Smartphones for Writers

Why Do Writers Need the Best Smartphones to Succeed?

Smartphones for WritersWriters are creative people who get ideas on the spot and they need to preserve that thought somewhere. What could be a better way to do that than smartphones. Since everyone is carrying a smartphone nowadays, it has become quite easy and convenient for writers as well, to jot down their thoughts or ideas instantly before it goes away. Imagine if a writer is on the bus or train or plane, and a gets a brain wave on his current project. Wouldn’t it be great to carry a pocket device that solves all their problems?

Something that not only helps in writing the story plots, but also helps with research and vocabulary at the same time. Some of the latest smartphones have best apps to help expedite the writing process with ease and convenience. Here are some of the apps by famous smartphone manufacturers which help writers overcome all their writing endeavors. Apple’s iPad and Android’s Galaxy notes have come a long way in making and developing helpful apps for writers. Below are some of Apple’s apps that supports writing in many ways.


It is an app on iPad which has some of the best features. Writers can select the font size, text format, templates, and export their work as a PDF document or Microsoft Word document, to the editor for critiquing and editing purposes. However, it does not support other formats, such as, RTF or ODF, which could be a small bump in the road for those who do not have Pages or its supporting document readers.

Notes Plus

This is an app that is very useful for reporters. It has a touch-screen friendly pen that is used for handwritten notes and reporters can also audio record any news event that can hamper in news writing and future references. The device has a palm pad for writers so that they can rest their palm on it while writing down their notes. The palm pad is useful as it does not mistake writers palm for a pen and saves unnecessary interferences in writing.


This ingenious app is a writers’ elf. It supports authors manuscript related documents and help them to stay organized even while travelling. The app includes pitch options, index cards, synopsis options, etc. It allows the authors to keep all their documents in one portable device. However, due to lack of formatting options, it does not look like a word processor but more like an idea organizing electronic product.


This is one of the best app for journalists who like to capture images along their way, as it allows them to take pictures. All the videos and labeling are stored in the app’s database. Writers and journalists can keep their notebooks organized and use the images for their story. Android has similar apps that enhance the writing experience and helps writers succeed in their creative tasks. Some of Android’s apps that support writers are, Thinking Space, DroidRoom and Evernote.

Writers are artistic people and they deserve the best technology to speed up their work. Thanks to the ever improving market of smartphone apps, now writers can use the best phones to succeed in their job.