high-quality content on your web page

Difference Between Nofollow and Dofollow Backlinks and Benefits

Linking is known as the most important part of SEO. Its reason is that search engines will treat your website on the basis of these links. More of the people just try to create dofollow links and they don’t give preference to nofollow links. Its reason is that search engines determine Pagerank of your website on the basis of these dofollow links. If you have created lots of dofollow backlinks for your website, it means that your website will get higher rank in search engines. According to a PhD dissertation writing service, due to lots of dofollow backlinks, search engines will consider that you are using black hat SEO techniques and these search engines will decrease ranking of your website. Therefore, you should create combination of nofollow and dofollow backlinks.

What Are Nofollow Backlinks?

The links in which rel=”Nofollow” HTML tag is applied are known as nofollow backlinks. This tag provides an idea to search engines that they should ignore this link. As a result, search engines don’t pass page rank of a website to a linked website. As a result, this backlink will not play any role in higher rank of a website. Anyhow, human beings are able to follow this link. It means that after clicking on nofollow link, a visitor will be redirected to your website.

What Are Dofollow Backlinks?

The links in which rel=”Dofollow” HTML tag is applied are known as dofollow backlinks. This kind of tag allows the search engines to consider this link. As a result, search engines will pass page rank of a website to a linked website. This backlink is also helpful for a website to improve its ranking. Human beings can also follow these backlinks because by clicking on this link, they are redirected to your website.

Benefits Of Backlinks

Nofollow linksBacklinks are considered as the most important ranking factor from a couple of years. In the past years, even low-quality backlinks can improve the ranking of a website. Nowadays, algorithms of search engines are completely changed and search engines consider only high-quality backlinks as a ranking factor. Some essential benefits of backlinks are given below;

  • Backlinks are helpful for a website to improve its ranking. It means that if you have created lots of links for your website, it will naturally start to get higher ranking in search results.
  • For new websites, to index new pages is also a real problem. The best way to index your pages fast is to create lots of backlinks. Its reason is that if a new page of a website is getting links from high-quality websites, search engines will consider that there is high-quality content on your web page and these search engines will index web pages.
  • These links are also helpful for us in bringing referral traffic to our website. Its reason is that when a person reads a post and he sees links of other posts, there is a possibility that he may click on these links to read more information.
  • These links can also build your brand authority. When Google sees links of your website to authoritative websites, Google will consider that your website is also providing the best quality content just like these authoritative websites.