Language Translation Tools

Free Online Foreign Language Translation Tools You Must Know

There are different tools that are available online for providing translation services. These online services are available through paid, as well as free options. Free online foreign language translation tools are the best in this aspect. This is because a person who has no budget for translation can also avail them. Some of these free online foreign language translation tools are shared by experts of assignment writing services UK as follows;

Google Translate

Google Translate is a well-known free foreign language translator. Everyone can use it on Chrome browser. There are no any particular requirements of software instalments, or app based downloading for this. You can use it on your smartphones as well. Google Translate provides facilities for more than a hundred foreign languages. It helps you in pronouncing the sentence too. Even if you don’t have any idea about the language of sentences, it can still help you.

For example, you came up with an Arabic sentence. But you don’t know that it’s Arabic. Just copy that sentence, and paste it on Google Translate. Then select the language in which you want to translate it. Google Translate will show you results immediately. Another interesting thing related to Google Translate is its language pack. You can download this language pack, and use it without an internet connection. It’s free of cost too. The only lacking point of Google Translate is its subtlety. For professional works, it is not considered as the best option.

Bing Translator

Bing Translator is the best foreign language translator for Windows phones. It is also free of cost. Bing Translator detects many foreign languages automatically. You have an option of uploading the whole document at once for getting its translation. Bing Translator has a rating system as well. Through this system, users can rate the translated content. With this feature, it becomes easy to know about the flaws, and working systems of the website. Low ratings show the dissatisfaction of a user. This means that the app needs to upgrade its system. Bing Translator also has the feature of spoken words. This feature is a key reason behind its increasing usage rate.


Linguee doesn’t help in the translation of documents, or long sentences. But it provides services as a dictionary. You can get help with the translation of words through this platform. This is because it covers many foreign languages like German, French, and Spanish. There are many more languages for which you can seek help from Linguee. Those who are learning a foreign language can consider it a dictionary.

First of all, it’s free of cost. Secondly, you can download, and use it without access to the internet. There are many other free foreign language translation apps. And those apps are downloadable as well. But the problem is that you have to ensure access to internet while using them. Yet in the case of Linguee, you don’t need an internet connection. It’s also a smart tool that detects multiple aspects quickly.

Word Lens

Word Lens requires camera of the phone for work. It will automatically detect the sentence, and translate it. If you plan to study in a foreign country, you have to learn its language for better survival. Suppose your destination country is that of Spain, Italy, France, Germany, or Russia. You might not be able to speak the languages of these countries. In this case, nothing can be more helpful than Word Lens. This is because it’ll give you precise results.

Word Lens gained increased fame among business graduates back in 2010. At that time, it provided services of resume writing as well. The reason behind its fame was its camera detection aspect. For this you have to turn on your camera, and capture the document. Then Word Lens will translate it into the desired foreign language. It can work best for detecting street boards, and signs. It is also free of cost, and easily downloadable.

While travelling, it’s possible to lose access to the internet. But you don’t need to worry about it because this application can work without the internet as well. Hence through this article, the list of free online foreign language translation tools has been highlighted. These will surely help the people who’re seeking translation services without the burden of any fees. They’re easy to use, and provide translations into multiple languages as well. So go ahead, and chose one that suits you the best.