How to Be a Successful Blogger

5 Top Secrets to Be a Successful Blogger in University Life

Most of the people practice blogging but only a few masters. Its reason is that blogging is an art and a skill and all the people don’t have this art and skill. The university life is the best period for the students to start blogging. The students have completed lots of academic papers till now. They have the necessary writing skills to start blogging. They just need to start niche blogging by focusing on their skills, abilities and interests. It means that students should try to share unique experiences with the world. If you will share the poorly written content on your website, you will never get the required results. Here, experts of PhD dissertation writing services will discuss the top five secrets to be a successful blogger in university life.

  • Write What You Love:

Most of the university students make a huge mistake while starting blogging. They try to follow others. It is not the best way to get success in the blogging field. You should try to focus on your passion. For this reason, you should try to spend some time thinking about the most interesting topic to start blogging. Blogging doesn’t mean that you will have to share lots of posts. It means that you will have to share your interesting views about a topic. You can share interesting views about a topic only if you have an interest in this topic. Therefore, you should try to start blogging on such a topic that is interesting to you.

  • Produce Your Media Content:

We can’t deny the importance of media content while creating the posts of a blog. The media content plays a vital role in increasing the ranking of your blog posts. There are lots of students who have enough abilities to create the best quality content for their blog posts but they can’t focus on the media content. They try to find relevant media content on the internet. This is not the best way to get success in the blogging field. When you will use media content of other people, you can’t engage the audience in your blog posts. You should try to spend some time in creating the media content for your blog posts. There are various ways to create media content for your blog posts. The most important ways are photos, videos, animated gifs and slideshows etc.

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  • Write Catchy Headlines:

We have seen lots of posts of the university students. Most of the students use horrible and terrible headlines for their blog posts. It is not the best way to engage the readers in the content of your blog posts. As we know that readers read a book by seeing its cover. Similarly, the readers read a blog post by seeing its headline. If the headline of a blog post is not interesting for the readers, readers will never try to click on your blog post. If your blog post is appearing in the search results, this thing will decrease the CTR of your blog post. Due to the lower CTR, the ranking of your blog will also be decreased.

  • Make Posts Social:

As a university student, you should create a blog post by keeping in mind that this blog post should be shareable. As we know that almost all internet users have social media accounts. When they will find the links of your blog posts on social media sites, they will try to visit your website. It is the best way to increase the engagement rate of your blog posts. Moreover, Google and other search engines are also increasing the ranking of the blog posts based on their social signals. After posting the blog post, you should share it on your social media accounts. You should also ask your friends to share this post on their social media profiles, pages and groups.

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  • Turn Your Post Upside Down:

If you want to engage the readers in your blog posts, you will have to encourage them to post comments on your blog posts. Almost all the bloggers ask the readers to post comments at the end of the blog post. Now, the problem is that some students don’t completely read the blog posts. When they don’t read the blog posts completely, they will never post comments on your blog post. Therefore, you should use a new strategy. In the first few paragraphs, you should encourage the readers to post comments on your blog posts. Almost all the readers read the first few paragraphs of a blog post. As a result, you can increase the engagement rate of your blog posts.